Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This post is a bit random, it is about a dream I had the other night. In my dream, I was driving along a highway, on my way to California for some reason and it was nighttime. All of the sudden, as I'm driving I enter this portion of the highway that is enclosed for miles, except obviously for the entrance and exit, which I'm driving through for a while, but I can't see outside of the enclosure at all. Then, an announcement is made on a loud speaker about the contraption. The announcement states that the "enclosure" is the first successful attempt for scientists to make the time of day change. Not long after the announcement, I see the end of the enclosure, and up ahead I see that it is now light out. I know that this was just a dream, but I don't think it is too far from impossible to think that this could one day occur.

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