Tuesday, December 15, 2009

iPhones and Boarding Passes

Earlier I was checking in online through American Airlines for my flight to Seattle tomorrow. There were a few options for me to receive my boarding passes. The first was the usual, which was just to print them. Another option which I found intriguing was to check in and have your boarding passes sent to your iphone. I started to think how that would work once at the gate considering the typical routine is to just hand your paper ticket to the attendant checking in the passengers. Would the iphone owner just hold their phone under the scanner and have it read the barcode from their screen? That would seem to be the most reasonable option. It is so interesting how many iphone applications there are that cover so many aspects of life. Maybe someone on my flight tomorrow will have chosen the latter option for check-in, and I can see for myself just how checking in with an iphone works.

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